Season 4 Episode 10b
The open to this where Arthur walks into his room to find Mary Moo Cow and her entourage of kittens, accompanied by a small ensemble, is one of the funnier ones in the show. I see the musicians in there but the theme song doesn't sound like it has any of those instruments in it. After the title card, we get a sense for the premise of the show: Dark Bunny (Batman) vs Mary Moo Cow (Barney). If DVRs or streaming existed back in this time, most of the problems of this episode would probably be avoided, but alas, this episode pits the typical hard action TV show and educational show (with the latter more likely to get parental approval) against each other.
Arthur appears to be losing this battle, because it seems like Dark Bunny is on at the same time as Mary Moo Cow, but on a different channel, and Mrs. Read is always going to let D.W. watch her show (although couldn't D.W. just have gone into a different room while Dark Bunny is playing?). When I was growing up, all we had was PBS Kids, so Arthur, Cyberchase, Fetch, and the likes were what my sister and I watched on our local station, so the Reads definitely had more options than we did. I can understand how Arthur got hooked on The Love Ducks so quickly. The colors and animations set to classical music (in this case "Toreador Song" from Bizet's Carmen) are very satisfying to watch, to the point that despite everyone making fun of Arthur for liking the show, it turns out that everyone...has watched the show and really liked it. The scene in the music store is iconic, where the clerk gets on the PA system and broadcasts to everyone in the store that Arthur, complete with trench coat, was looking for the Love Ducks CD. I definitely have been in that position before, looking for something in a store that might seem embarrassing–luckily nowadays, you can order online and not even have to interact with anyone when picking up said item.
I used to be the same way with Arthur before the memes really took off and became mainstream, so I definitely empathize with him hiding his guilty pleasure. There was potential here for some embarrassment, but it turns out well in the end for everyone.
By: Guthrie Edson
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